Hoists and winches are groundbreaking inventions that have changed the way the industrial world works for the better, allowing for things of all weights to be lowered and lifted in various different settings and applications.
Of course, your first association with hoists is likely to be the construction industry and similar sectors, but there are actually some unique uses for hoists that you wouldn’t otherwise think of. Read on below as we list three interesting applications of hoists.
Shark Cage Diving
An activity that’s not for the fainthearted, shark cave diving is a once in a lifetime experience that adrenaline junkies and shark lovers alike enjoy. The premise is that you are submersed into the water in a metal cage (with breathing apparatus) that allows you to view sharks in their natural habitat, without causing them any disturbance – and also preventing them from getting close enough to disturb you!
Shark cages are reliant on hoists, which are used to safely suspend the cage with the divers in it so that it doesn’t sink, as well as lift it out the water again.
Animal Rescue
From rescuing horses or cows from a ditch, to lifting injured elephants or rhinos onto transport ready to be taken to a sanctuary, hoists are vital pieces of equipment when it comes to animal rescue.
Though not something you’ll be used to seeing in everyday life, there are unsung heroes constantly rescuing or helping animals in sticky situations. This usually requires transporting them somewhere safe, which can be hard to do (especially with wild and/or large animals), thus a hoist is the most convenient option.
Even with smaller animals, such as dogs, hoists are often used. Not only is this the safest way to move them, but it protects staff from otherwise injuring themselves trying to carry them should the animal be heavy or temperamental.
Hoists are used abundantly in healthcare. From hospitals to care homes and even in people’s private residences, hoists are incredibly useful for those who have limited mobility or no mobility at all to allow them to move freely from one location to another.
Typically, hoists are used to help patients to sit up or get in and out of bed. Since it is both difficult and impractical to expect a nurse or other carer to attempt to lift a patient out of bed – which would likely result in injury to both themselves and/or the patient, they instead simply need to help the patient into a sling, so that they can be lifted out of bed by the hoist.
If you work in an industry that requires lifting equipment, then you need Atlas Winch Hire & Hoist Services. From lifting slings to hoists, we’ve got all the lifting equipment for hire that you could need. Get in touch today for more information by emailing info@winchhire.com.