Any time you are working on a big project that has heavy components, there are many benefits to hiring a winch. A winch is a device that is used to either pull or safely let out an item using a cable or a rope. Winch equipment can help you safely and quickly complete a project that has any sort of heavy lifting to do.
If you need a winch for multiple jobs, you may consider buying one. But for any project where you will not need the winch on an ongoing basis, hiring a winch is the best option. It gives you all the benefits of using a winch to safely complete your project without a large cost upfront.
Types of Winch Hire
There are many different types of winch equipment. Finding the right one depends on the type of job you are working on. By finding the right winch, you will get the most benefits out of hiring one. There are a few things that you should consider before you decide which type of winch hire you need.
The first thing to consider is the capacity of the winch you need. It’s recommended that you use a winch that is able to handle double the weight of what you are trying to lift. By doubling the capacity, you remove any room for error.
Careful Consideration
Next, you’ll want to consider how you would like your winch powered. A manual winch is only good for small items. For larger items, you can get winches that are powered by air, diesel, electric or hydraulics. An air winch uses compressed air and is able to lift incredible loads. Air also provides a variable speed so that you control exactly how fast or slow the load moves. A diesel winch is especially good for working with marine projects such as mooring systems and barges.
Electric winches have the ability to start and stop smoothly and can be programmed. That means that you are able to program the acceleration and deceleration scales ahead of time. A hydraulic winch is suitable for a wide range of applications and environments. They can handle weights of up to 400 tonnes. This makes them the best winch for larger-scale projects.
Project Needs
Apart from the winch hire itself, you may also want to think about what else you might need for your project. Lifting slings are useful items to help you lift large items safely. They can help you cradle the item rather than lifting it from one attachment point. This is especially useful if you are lifting items that might be considered fragile. You may also want to consider also hiring a load-monitoring system that can help you monitor and record each activity.
No matter what your project might be, lifting equipment hire could help you save a lot of time and money. Contact Atlas Winch Hire today to learn more about what we can do to help save you time and energy.