Training your employees properly is essential, from your company’s basic practices to any new systems that are implemented. Winch machines are one of the many large pieces of machinery used on-site that will require adequate staff training prior to use. In this article from Atlas Winch Hire & Hoist Services, learn the importance of thorough training when it comes to lifting gear.
The purpose of utilising a winch machine is to make a task easier, meaning it’s vital to understand how the pulling mechanism should be operated. Precise pulling is key, as well as understanding where an item should be pulled from to ensure the manoeuvre is successfully executed. Hitching an item can lead to unbalanced lifting, causing damage to the machine and the lifted goods too.
By providing your staff with training on how to lift heavy items in a precise manner, goods are less likely to become damaged while in transport. Teaching staff the right way to lift will also improve both the efficiency of the task and productivity in the workplace.
As winch machines are designed to lift heavy items, the operation must be carried out carefully and professionally. Without a full understanding of the potential dangers of using heavy equipment, the operator runs the risk of encountering a dangerous issue and potentially violating health and safety regulations.
A company of lifting gear experts can help your staff understand how to operate hoists safely, providing training on what to do in an emergency. This can also increase staff confidence and awareness, helping them develop further into confident employees.
Better Operation
Incorrect operation can lead to damage to the machine itself, decreasing the lifespan of the equipment. This can result in the need for costly repairs quickly, making your new winch more of a hindrance than a help. Instead, save both time and money by investing in staff training.
With a better understanding of winch machine operation, staff will grow more comfortable with identifying any issues within the machine itself. Abnormal noises, for example, can be a sign that something is wrong with the equipment and therefore a repairs team should be called urgently.
Organise Training Today
To start training your employees, contact our friendly team of lifting gear experts at Atlas Winch Hire & Hoist Services. We can help your staff understand fully the tools they are using with our services, from operating air winches to operating rigging equipment. We can even offer training specific to your team’s needs, uniquely tailored to your individual business requirements.
Visit our website to learn more about us and our products, or contact us directly to speak to one of our professional experts today.